St Mary's Holy Faith Killester


Parents are requested to make payments to the school on line using our online payments system, Easy Payments Plus (EPP). Please click on the EPP icon at the home page or click on the link below. Payments can be made for school fees, trips and tours, fundraising events, evening study, transition year, subject costs, etc. This online system removes the necessity of parents calling to the school, giving students cash/cheques, the school having large volumes of cash in the office, management having to attend the bank on specific days and banking costs for lodging cash.

Incoming students to First Year (Prior to starting)

For new students paying amenities at registration, please pay HERE

Existing Students

To activate your account or to make a payment. Click HERE

International students and all other payments

For all other payments including new students and International registrations please pay HERE

Aug 22
School Reopens
Aug 22
!st Year Induction
Aug 22
6th Year Return to school
Aug 23
3rd Year Return to school
Brookwood Meadow, Killester, Dublin 5
01 831 0963
Le Chéile Schools Trust
© 2024 St Mary's Holy Faith Killester