St Mary's Holy Faith Killester

Leaving Certificate

The Leaving Certificate (Established) is a two-year programme that aims to provide learners with a broad, balanced education while also offering them a chance to specialise towards particular higher education and career options.

In general, students take seven subjects for examination, one of which must be Irish. Subjects are normally studied at either Ordinary or Higher Level. Two subjects, Irish and Mathematics, can be studied at Foundation Level.

In St. Mary's, the curriculum is as follows:

  • Accounting (Option)
  • Art (Option)
  • Biology (Option)
  • Business (Option)
  • Chemistry (Option)
  • Geography (Option)
  • History (Option)
  • Home Economics (Social and Scientific) (Option)
  • Irish (Core)
  • English (Core)
  • Maths (Core)
  • Music (Option)
  • French/Spanish (Option)
  • Religious Education (Core/non exam)
  • Physical Education (Core/non exam)

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Aug 22
School Reopens
Aug 22
!st Year Induction
Aug 22
6th Year Return to school
Aug 23
3rd Year Return to school
Brookwood Meadow, Killester, Dublin 5
01 831 0963
Le Chéile Schools Trust
© 2024 St Mary's Holy Faith Killester