St Mary's Holy Faith Killester

Guidance and Support

Our Guidance Counsellor works with students on an individual or group basis.

The role of the counsellor is two-fold:

1. To assist the students’ educational progress by:
  • Arranging and administering assessment tests
  • Advising on subject choice
  • Providing information on careers
  • Providing careers classes, explaining how the CAO system works, preparation for CAO application and discussing alternative 3rd level opportunities.
  • Organising attendance at careers exhibitions, College open days.
  • Organising Guest speakers from the different third level Universities and colleges including Post Leaving Cert colleges to visit the school
  • Hosting information evenings for parents/guardians


Guidance Counsellor: Ms Ruane


Guidance Counsellor: Ms Hynes
2. To provide support for students who may be experiencing difficulty
  • Personal and social guidance aims to help students to make decisions, solve problems, resolve difficulties and develop coping strategies that will empower them to live more fulfilled lives.
  • St. Mary’s Holy Faith Secondary School has a number of personnel, including a visiting counsellor, trained and experienced in supporting students in need.
  • Students can be referred for support at their own request, the request of their parent/guardian, any teacher or if a friend or peer draws it to the attention of a staff member that a student is experiencing difficulties.
  • Students bring a variety of different issues. These include:
    • Personal Reasons –e.g. Friendship /Bullying/ Self-esteem
    • Family Problems – e.g. Bereavement
    • Relationship Problems
    • Stress / Motivation and Coping Skills
    • Health issues
  • Pastoral Care is fundamental in promoting the well being of our students and enhances their educational development. Each year group is supported by a Year Head and Tutor team.

Aug 22
School Reopens
Aug 22
!st Year Induction
Aug 22
6th Year Return to school
Aug 23
3rd Year Return to school
Brookwood Meadow, Killester, Dublin 5
01 831 0963
Le Chéile Schools Trust
© 2024 St Mary's Holy Faith Killester