St Mary's Holy Faith Killester

Open Days in DCU this weekend!

Open Days in DCU this weekend!

DCU Open Days are taking place this week, so please feel free to share widely.

DCU Glasnevin Campus

Friday, 17 November - 10am to 3pm

Saturday, 18 November - 10am to 2pm

DCU St. Patrick’s Campus

Saturday 18 November – 10.00am to 2.00pm

Subject presentation times as well as general talks, demonstrations and tours are detailed in the attached Open Day Guide, which will be distributed to visitors on Open Days. You can register for DCU Open Day HERE. Open Days are a fantastic opportunity to showcase all that DCU has to offer!

There will be many Student Helpers working on both campuses over the two Open Days, so don't hesitate to ask them any questions you may have.

There will also be music played on the mall (Glasnevin Campus) on Friday 17th November so it will be a fun day!

Two other events coming up that you may have an interest in are:

FET Open Day – Thursday 30th November 11am to 2.30pm

This event focuses on students studying QQI Level 5 (Post Leaving Certificate) course, which are an entry route to 60 DCU courses

Empowering your ‘Leaving-Certer’ for the future - Tuesday 28th November 6pm to 8pm

DCU Open Night for Parents/ Guardians

Unprecedented technological disruption, rapid change, and new ways of working mean that students’ choice of university courses on their CAO form is increasingly important. This event will offer valuable insights into how parents and guardians can best support students in making informed decisions about their future study and career paths, addressing questions such as:

  • What should students be looking for in a degree course?
  • What key skills are graduate employers prioritising?
  • What job opportunities are emerging, and in what sectors?
  • How can students prepare for their career while in university?
  • How will artificial intelligence affect the world of work.

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Brookwood Meadow, Killester, Dublin 5
01 831 0963
Le Chéile Schools Trust
© 2024 St Mary's Holy Faith Killester