St Mary's Holy Faith Killester

Newsletter #10 2023

Newsletter #10 2023

Welcome back everyone. We hope you enjoyed a hopeful Easter. We have just six weeks left in this school year, and it will be a busy one.

Easter Examinations

Congratulations to all 6th years who completed their state oral exams in Irish, Spanish and French. ‘Un grand merci’ to our French language assistant Marie Golebiewski for all her extra help and for supporting the girls on the day of the exam. Thanks of course to our language teachers for preparing the students for the examinations. Message from Ms McClelland.

Practical Examinations


Junior Cycle Home Economics and Senior and Junior music practicals are now complete. Well done to all the girls for all the hard work they put into preparing for the exams and to their teachers for their guidance and support.

School Trip


Thirty four senior students and four teachers participated in the Arts and Culture trip to Barcelona this April for an action packed and fun filled three days. The trip’s highlights included a visit to the Sagrada Familia Bascillica at the heart of the city. It was truly breathtaking. We also visited Parc Guell, designed by Gaudi. We did a walking tour through the Gothic area of the city and on our last day through the Olympic Port and the Parc de Cuitadella areas. The students got a real feel for the city and it’s beautiful architecture.
Art lovers were inspired by the wonderful works of Picasso displayed in a museum dedicated to the Artist himself.
For our adventurers and thrill seekers we also had a fabulous day at Portaventura Theme park.
We stayed in a lovely hotel in sunny Salou, where some of our girls even managed a dip in the pool and a toe in Mediterranean to top of a wonderful tour.
Our students were joy to accompany as they represented the school and our ethos proudly. We were delighted by their company and to see their joy as they embarked on new travel adventures, learning about different cultures, some students even taking their first flights!

Gaeltacht Trip

Best of luck to all the first and second year students on their trip to Coláiste Bhun an Inbhir, Dún na nGall. Taking place from the 2nd May to the 4th May. This will be our first visit to the Gaeltacht since the pandemic and everyone is ‘ar bís’! Bainigí taitneamh as a chailíní!!! Message from Ms McClelland.

Le Cheile Day

St. Mary's belongs to the Le Chéile Schools Trust. Le Chéile Day was celebrated on March 31st 2023. A range of activities were organised to celebrate our Catholic heritage.

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Gaeltacht Scholarships

We are delighted that two second year students Robyn Byrne and Meabh Cahill, along with 5 fifth year students Cliodhna Murphy, Amy Ward, Molly flood, Angeline Duffy and Ava McDonnell have been awarded scholarships to the Gaeltacht this summer. Scoláireacht Ghaeltachta Deis 2023 is awarded by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media in conjunction with Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board. Thanks to Ms McClelland and Ms Burke for accessing these opportunities for the girls. Message from Ms McClelland.

Building Works

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The building works are now completed.

Upcoming events

Ty Graduation: 22nd May, 7pm at the school. Parents of TY students welcome

6th Year Graduation: 23rd May, St. Brigid's Church, Killester. Parents of 6th Year students welcome

Prizegiving: 18th May, St. Brigid's Church, Killester

Sports Day: 19th May (Weather permitting)

Summer Assessments: Friday, May 26th



The Jigsaw Peer Educator Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, May 26th. Well done to those involved for another exceptional year.

  1. Rebecca Foley
  2. Laoise Heffernan
  3. Alanna Hunt
  4. Éabha Ivory
Green Schools
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Congratulations to our Green Schools Committee. Our Green Flag has been renewed for Litter and Waste and we have been awarded an additional flag for water conservation and awareness. We also have a new wormery set up as part of the composting for schools initiative by Dublin City Council.


The written examination for 6th Year LCVP will take place on May 2nd 2023. Best wishes to all involved.

School Photos

Please note!! Class photos from 1st, 4th and 5th Year will be taken on Monday, April 24th along with sports teams and student leaders.

Senior Leadership Roles

We are currently accepting applications for student leadership positions. We are recruiting from Transition Year for student prefect positions and from 5th Year for Head Girl positions. Applications in writing to the school office.

Aware Mental Health

Well done to our Transition Year students who recently participated in Aware's lifeskills programme. The programme is designed to help young people learn new ways to deal with challenges in life. The programme uses an approach based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which focuses on thinking and behaviour. It also affords students time to reflect on the key learning point contained in each week's workshop and time to experiment with the ‘new ways of thinking’ presented.



We kindly ask that parents/guardians do not park in disabled parking spaces in the car park as these are required for permit holders only. We appreciate your help in this matter.

Primary School Outreach Programmes


As part of our outreach programmes with our feeder schools, classes and workshops have been underway with students from; Our Lady of Consolidation, Scoil Caitriona Cailini, St. John of Gods, St. Eithne's and Scoil Íde Girls National Schools. These 5th class students have been participating in second level activities to prepare for their transition to secondary school. Students have been learning valuable skills in the areas of Irish, French, Maths, Home Economics and Art through creative and enjoyable lessons delivered by our experienced teaching staff. Message from Ms O’Looney.

Guidance Corner

The CAO have asked that all applicants and their parents/guardians be reminded of the importance of students' "Genuine Order of Preference" prior to the free "change of mind" facility opening in May.

Students and parents/guardians are again reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that they have researched regarding the fees that all institutions charge students. There are a number of private colleges on the CAO which offer additional fees annually - again students need to ensure that they have researched these additional costs. Message from Ms Ruane.

CAO upcoming dates:

5th May: Change of Mind facility opens at noon - restrictions apply. 1st July:Change of Mind facility closes at 5pm.

Early July: Round A offers issued.

Early August: Round 0 offers issued. dates TBC (may be delayed)

The SUSI Grant applications are now open for current Sixth Years who may be eligible. Students applying for PLC courses and/or CAO courses are able to submit an application. Please look at to become familiar with the application process. Message from Ms Ruane.

North-side Partnership Programme

On Monday 17th , twenty one fourth and fifth year student attended a presentation and registration evening in the North-side Partnership. These students registered to participate in the programme which will offer them support at senior cycle and on to third level. The programme coordinator praised the student's eagerness and focus during the meeting and is delighted to see so many of our students registering for the programme. Stephanie Hennessy a TY student has been involved in the programme for four years and gave the girls a presentation on the value of the programme. This was very helpful for the students to see the benefits of the programme for enhancing their opportunities of further education. Message from Ms O’Looney.

Well-being supports.

A group of 6th and 3rd year students are participating in a wellness programme to help them cope with exam stress. This involves a blend of meditation and yoga techniques. Students and their parents are encouraged to try the techniques at home. Message from Ms O’Looney.

Resilience workshops for all 1st, 2nd and 5th years are underway and will take place during the last term. The focus of these workshops is to help students develop strategies to help them cope with the challenges in their lives in school and at home. These workshops are facilitated by Nina Fitzgerald who has considerable experience in this area.

Schools Completion Programme

We welcome Ashlee Keane to the school who is working part time tracking punctuality and attendance. Ashlee will work between the school and home to support good attendance daily in St. Mary’s.

Amenity Fees 2023-2024

Amenity Fees for the new school year will be payable on Easy Payments from Tuesday, May 2nd. A letter will be issued with details.

Aug 22
School Reopens
Aug 22
!st Year Induction
Aug 22
6th Year Return to school
Aug 23
3rd Year Return to school
Brookwood Meadow, Killester, Dublin 5
01 831 0963
Le Chéile Schools Trust
© 2024 St Mary's Holy Faith Killester