St Mary's Holy Faith Killester

Back to School

Back to School

16th August 2024

Dear Parents(s)/Guardian(s),

We hope everyone had a lovely summer and we look forward to welcoming our students back to St Mary’s for the new term. We welcome in a special way our new first years and we wish them every success as they begin their journey with us in St. Mary’s. We anticipate another great year where all students will thrive and flourish.

We want to bring some reminders to your attention as we prepare for the new school term.

School Re-opening Schedule

The school will re-open for students from 22nd August. Please see re-opening schedule below:

1st Year Induction: Thursday 22nd August (10am – 12 Noon)

6th Year Assembly: Thursday, 22nd August (1.45pm-2.45pm)

3rd Year Assembly: Friday, 23rd August (9am-10am)

2nd Year Assembly: Monday, 26th August (9am-10am)

5th Year Assembly: Monday, 26th August (1.45pm-2.45pm)

4th Year Induction: Tuesday, 27th August (9.30am -1.15pm)

Tuesday, 27th August Normal classes for all year groups except TY. School will finish for TY’s at 1.15pm and all other years at 3.15pm.


Many thanks to all our parent(s)/Guardian(s) who have downloaded the app already. If you have not done so please check your email for invite from Tyro. All communication will be through the app.


Amenities covering a range of student services (e.g., locker, 24-hour insurance, School app etc) can be paid using Tyro. Many thanks for those who have already paid.


Booklists for 4th, 5th & 6th Year groups are available HERE

All books for 1st year are provided for and any additional books required by 2nd & 3rd Years will be provided for. Please note that the books remain the property of the school and are on loan to the students.


St. Mary’s has a junior and senior school uniform that must be worn daily. Students will wear their PE tracksuit only on days when they have PE on their timetable. Every other day students must be in their regular school uniform. This arrangement is dependent on cooperation from students, and we would appreciate your support in ensuring that the correct uniforms are worn on the correct days. Hoodies are for PE day only and green jackets should be worn on other days. Generic navy hoodies may be purchased, and school crests (4 euro) are available to purchase on Tyro and collect from school office between 10am and 12noon.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones if brought to school, should be kept in a student’s locker until the end of the day or switched off in their school bag. Where a student is in possession of a phone, the phone will be handed to the teacher and kept in the main office until the end of the school day. The school takes no responsibility for damage or loss of phones and encourages students not to take phones to school.

School Opening Hours

The school opens from 8.15a.m. each day and supervision is in place from 8.30 a.m. We ask that students do not arrive to school before 8.15a.m.


All our school policies can be viewed HERE


Please note as an amendment to our policy, non-prescribed medicines will neither be stored nor administered to pupils in school going forward. The parents/guardians of a student with special medical needs must inform the Board of Management in writing of the condition as well as providing instruction of the procedure to be followed in administering the medication.

Home School Community Liaison Co-ordinator

Home School Community Liaison Coordinator Ms. O’Looney can be reached at if you would like to talk with her about any matter of concern.

School Meals

The school has a breakfast club available to all students free of charge each morning (tea, toast, juice, fruit, and yogurt). The school also offers subsidised healthy lunches for all students.

Leaving Certificate Results

Leaving Certificate results will be available online on the candidate portalfrom Friday, 23rd August. More information will be available to students on our website next week.

School Calendar

The school calendar will be ratified by the Board of Management before the end of September in line with Department of Education guidelines. The calendar can be viewed on our website at any time

School attendance and appointment procedure

Please see below our procedures in relation to students leaving school for reasons of illness and appointments during the school day. These procedures are underpinned by

  1. Our duty of care for the health, safety, and wellbeing of all St. Mary's students,


  1. our desire to enable all St. Mary's students to reach their full potential in school by avoiding unnecessary absences. We are asking for your cooperation in the implementation of these procedures.

Students who become sick during the school day

If a student becomes ill, they should let their teacher know or come to the main office during break and lunchtime. Parents/guardians will be informed by telephone. The student must be collected and signed out of the school by a parent/guardian or designated adult.

Students who have an appointment

We encourage that appointments are scheduled outside of school time. Where this is not possible, an absent request on Tyro must be submitted first thing in the morning. The note should state if the student will leave the school unaccompanied. This allows our system to be updated to reflect the planned absence.

Casual withdrawal during the school day

We discourage the casual withdrawal of students during the school day due to the impact of lost class time on student learning. In instances where the school has not been notified in advance, students must be collected from school by a parent/guardian or designated adult who can validate the required absence.

We thank you for your co-operation in implementing these procedures.

We hope everyone enjoys the last few days of the holidays. We look forward to seeing our students back in the school soon.

Best wishes

Ms Sullivan

Jan 29
Leaving Cert Mock Exams
Feb 07
Junior Cycle Mock Exams
Feb 17
Midterm Break
Mar 04
Staff Training - Half day closure
Brookwood Meadow, Killester, Dublin 5
01 831 0963
Le Chéile Schools Trust
© 2025 St Mary's Holy Faith Killester