I would like to welcome you to our website and invite you to explore the different sections of the site to get a flavour of school life here in St. Mary’s - academic, pastoral, social, sporting and musical.
As Principal of the school, I am proud of our Holy Faith heritage and together with the teaching team we pride ourselves in the care that we provide for the needs of each of our students in line with our ethos which is rooted in one word –RESPECT.
Central to our success as a school and in the fulfilment of our mission is a team of dedicated teachers and support staff, who are committed to ensuring that our students receive the very best possible opportunities that a school can provide. We hold high expectations for all our students and teaching and learning is aimed at excellent academic achievement. We encourage a positive and respectful learning environment for all, so that students can feel safe and valued in their contributions. We aim to nurture a good work ethic that prepares students for further study and/or the workplace. St. Mary’s is very fortunate to be well supported by parents/guardians who care greatly for their child's education.
We recognise fully the importance of the partnership between home and school and value this important relationship. Many thanks for visiting our website. If you would like more information about how to enrol your daughter at the school, do not hesitate to contact us at admin@hfk.ie or click HERE