Our Guidance Counsellor works with students on an individual or group basis.

Guidance Counsellor: Ms Hynes
The role of the counsellor is two-fold:
1. To assist the students’ educational progress by:
- Arranging and administering assessment tests
- Advising on subject choice
- Providing information on careers
- Providing careers classes, explaining how the CAO system works, preparation for CAO application and discussing alternative 3rd level opportunities.
- Organising attendance at careers exhibitions, College open days.
- Organising Guest speakers from the different third level Universities and colleges including Post Leaving Cert colleges to visit the school
- Hosting information evenings for parents/guardians
2. To provide support for students who may be experiencing difficulty
- Personal and social guidance aims to help students to make decisions, solve problems, resolve difficulties and develop coping strategies that will empower them to live more fulfilled lives.
- St. Mary’s Holy Faith Secondary School has a number of personnel, including a visiting counsellor, trained and experienced in supporting students in need.
- Students can be referred for support at their own request, the request of their parent/guardian, any teacher or if a friend or peer draws it to the attention of a staff member that a student is experiencing difficulties.
- Students bring a variety of different issues. These include:
- Personal Reasons –e.g. Friendship /Bullying/ Self-esteem
- Family Problems – e.g. Bereavement
- Relationship Problems
- Stress / Motivation and Coping Skills
- Health issues
- Pastoral Care is fundamental in promoting the well being of our students and enhances their educational development. Each year group is supported by a Year Head and Tutor team.