St Mary's Holy Faith Killester



Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

We hope this letter finds you well. We are pleased to share some exciting news regarding an important update to our school Management Information System (MIS).

After careful consideration, we have decided to transition from our existing system, VSWare, to a more advanced and user-friendly platform called Tyro. This transition is aimed at providing you with an enhanced and streamlined experience when it comes to accessing important information about your child's academic journey.

Tyro is a user friendly mobile app that offers a one stop shop for all school transactions. Its key features include:

  • Attendance Tracking: Keep track of your child's attendance to ensure they are engaged in their learning.
  • Assessment Reports: Stay informed about your child's academic progress with easy access to assessment reports.
  • Payments: Streamline the payment process for school-related expenses through the Tyro platform.
  • Communication: All messages will be sent out using the Tyro app. Please make sure you have notifications switched on
  • Absent Requests: Submitting absent requests will be a breeze with Tyro's efficient and straightforward process.
  • Behaviour Reports: Gain insights into your child's behaviour at school, fostering open communication between home and school.

What to Expect:
You will receive an email from Tyro containing a link to create your account password. This email will also include a comprehensive guide on how to navigate the new system and access the various features it offers. We want to assure you that we are committed to making this process as seamless as possible and we believe that Tyro will greatly enhance your overall experience as parents, providing you with the tools you need to actively participate in your child's education journey.

How to get Started:
One of the great benefits of Tyro is that Tyro operates using an app on your phone with one log in for all services. We have included a step by step guide. Scan QR Code below to access this. You will be sent an email with a Tyro invitation to download the App.

Any parent that downloads the App by 10th May 2024 will be entered into a draw to win a 100 euro ONE4ALL voucher.

Thank you for your cooperation during this transition. If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the dedicated support team at We look forward to embarking on this new chapter with Tyro and appreciate your ongoing support in creating the best educational environment for our students.

SCAN for Step By Step Guide

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Ms McLoughlin and Ms Sullivan

Jan 29
Leaving Cert Mock Exams
Feb 07
Junior Cycle Mock Exams
Feb 17
Midterm Break
Mar 04
Staff Training - Half day closure
Brookwood Meadow, Killester, Dublin 5
01 831 0963
Le Chéile Schools Trust
© 2025 St Mary's Holy Faith Killester