St Mary's Holy Faith Killester

Newsletter #5 2024


Dear Parents/Guardians

We hope you enjoyed the long weekend. Summer is fast approaching, and we want to get the best out of the last few weeks. It is always a busy time as our 6th, 3rd year and Leaving Certificate Applied students prepare for State Exams and all other students work towards the summer assessments. We also have many fun and celebratory activities to mark the end of another great school year.

Please see below some key dates and updates:

Key Dates

May 16th (Thursday) Award Ceremony 2PM. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th Year students in attendance. Students can make their own way hope from St. Brigid's Church or return to the school for collection.

May 17th (Friday) Sports Day 10am – 12.30pm. School finishes at 12.30PM

May 17th (Friday) 6th Year Farewell BBQ, hosted by staff 12.30PM-1.30PM

May 20th (Monday) Transition Year Graduation, 7pm Gowan Hall.

May 21st (Tuesday)6th Year Graduation, St. Brigid’s Church, Killester, 2pm (early finish for all other year groups.) Refreshments will be served in the Sports Hall for parents/guardians of 6th year following the ceremony.

May 24th (Friday) Summer Assessments commence for 1st, 2nd and 5th Year

May 29th (Wednesday) Final day of classes for 3rd Year students.


We are delighted to announce the launch of our new Management Information System (MIS) Tyro. All parents should have received an email invitation to set up and log into the app. Further information is available on the school website and in the letter sent home with students.

All parents who download the app on or before 10th May 2024 will be placed in a draw to win a100 euro One4All voucher.

All school reports and fee payments are available on Tyro now with extended functionality from August.


Thanks to the parents/guardians who joined us in the school for the consultation regarding the future of Catholic Education in the Killester/Coolock area. Your attendance was much appreciated. Thanks also to those parents who completed the survey.

Free Books Scheme Junior Cycle

The free Junior Cycle Schoolbooks Scheme will provide schoolbooks for all students in Junior Cycle years in recognized post-primary schools. It will eliminate the cost of schoolbooks for parents/guardians of children and young people enrolled in these years.

All schoolbooks and core classroom resources are now being sourced by the school in accordance with the new Schoolbook Scheme for Junior cycle. These will be distributed in August.

Book Rental (2023-2024)

All schoolbooks that were rented to our current first-year students will be collected the last week of term.


In the coming weeks, we will be coordinating the clearance of all lockers to prepare for the new school year. Students can start clearing any items that they no longer need over the coming weeks. During the last week, they can clear out the remaining books and other items. They may need a parent/guardian to collect them by car as the books can be heavy.

Amenity Fees 2024/2025 - Payable on Tyro

This charge supports the school in offering each student a full range of services to support their education at St. Mary’s.

A personal locker
Students’ personal 24-hour accident insurance
Photocopying and print
Student enrichment activities
Microsoft License
Text messaging
Management Information System
Prizegiving & Graduations
Bus hire subsidy
Affiliation fees for sporting organizations and matches
Study Skills

Year Group Amenity Fee
2nd Year €110
3rd Year €110
Transition Year €350
5th Year €110
6th year €110

Families with two or more children €100 per child

Uniform Drive

In line with our sustainability and recycling goals, we will carry out a uniform drive in June. We welcome any spare items of uniform including tracksuits and coats that can be put to good use by another student.

Parents/Guardians may wish to exchange a junior uniform for a senior uniform.

We also have sew-on school crests suitable for generic navy hoodies and navy jumpers on sale for €4

For further information, contact

Opening Arrangements for School Year 2024/2025

We will provide a detailed calendar in August outlining the arrangements for returning to school for the new academic year. In the meantime, please note that the school office will open on Monday, August 12th and students will begin to return on August 22nd.

Many thanks

Ms McLoughlin and Ms Sullivan

Dec 02
Occasional Holiday
Dec 02
Occasional Day
Dec 05
6th Year Parent/Guardian Teacher Meeting
Dec 10
3rd Year Information Evening
Brookwood Meadow, Killester, Dublin 5
01 831 0963
Le Chéile Schools Trust
© 2024 St Mary's Holy Faith Killester