St Mary's Holy Faith Killester

Newsletter #6 2024


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), please see below some school information and updates:

Summer Assessments

The timetable for summer assessments taking place between May 24th-May 31st can be accessed at this link

2. Third Year

Third year students have normal class until Wednesday, May 29th and will finish at 1.15pm. We wish our Third Year students every success in their Junior Cycle examinations.

3. Lockers

All lockers should be emptied by Friday, May 24th

4. Tyro

Thanks to everyone who downloaded Tyro. All school reports and payments will be accessible via Tyro from here on with full functionality from August 2024. Summer reports will not be available on VSWare.

5. Recent Ceremonies

Thanks to everyone who attended our recent TY graduation, prizegiving ceremony and 6th Year Graduation. We wish our 6th year graduates every success in their upcoming Leaving Certificate examinations.

6. Sports Day

Well done to all the students who participated in our recent Sports Day. A special congrats to all the prizewinners.

7. Amenity Fees 2024/2025 - Payable on Tyro

This charge supports the school in offering each student a full range of services to support their education at St. Mary’s.

A personal locker
Students’ personal 24-hour accident insurance
Photocopying and print
Student enrichment activities
Microsoft License
Text messaging
Management Information System
Prizegiving & Graduations
Bus hire subsidy
Affiliation fees for sporting organizations and matches
Study Skills

Year Group Amenity Fee
2nd Year €110
3rd Year €110
Transition Year €350
5th Year €110
6th year €110

Families with two or more children €100 per child

8. Uniform Drive

In line with our sustainability and recycling goals, we will carry out a uniform drive in June. We welcome any spare items of uniform including tracksuits and coats that can be put to good use by another student.

Parents/Guardians may wish to exchange a junior uniform for a senior uniform.

We also have sew-on school crests suitable for generic navy hoodies and navy jumpers on sale for €4

For further information, contact

9. Opening Arrangements for School Year 2024/2025

We will provide a detailed calendar in August outlining the arrangements for returning to school for the new academic year. In the meantime, please note that the school office will open on Monday, August 12th and students will begin to return on August 22nd.

10 Open Night for Prospective Students


Many thanks

Ms McLoughlin and Ms Sullivan

Jan 29
Leaving Cert Mock Exams
Feb 03
St. Brigid's Holiday
Feb 07
Junior Cycle Mock Exams
Feb 17
Midterm Break
Brookwood Meadow, Killester, Dublin 5
01 831 0963
Le Chéile Schools Trust
© 2025 St Mary's Holy Faith Killester